Friday 28 July 2017

Time Management & Organization Skills

Week 5 : Time Management & Organization Skills
Wednesday / 12th of June 2017 / Dewan KuliahAl-Farabi UiTM Pahang Jengka Campus

In this topic, we should know :
1) Optimising study time
2) Organising study time
3) Using time-management strategies to stay motivated
4) Reducing procrastination


-Time actually is a stubborn illusion

 Definition :
 -Noun - the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in past, present and future.
-Verb - plan, schedule or arrange when (something) happen

 The important of time :
 -it’s was mention in Al-quran in surah al-asr.

Time management

The ability to use one’s time effectively or productively especially at work

5 strategies :

-weekly schedule
-semester calendar
-avoid procrastination
-study planner
-academic vs personal life

Time management tools :

1) Reminder (calendar)                                              2) Reminder (keep)

So, for this topic, we had given some task to do : (to do list)

Activity 1 : some of us have show to the instructor how we write reminder at calendar… it is…a example..........

Activity 2 : just likes activity 1, some of us have to show to the instructor how we write activity in a day..this is example..

What is the procrastination guys?? maybe we familiar in word `berlengah-lengah’ :

-the act of putting off intentionally the doing of something that should be done
-in psychological, procrastination is behavior that allow a person to postpone or delay a certain activity or task
-source of great stress and anxiety for many people

Some tips for overcome the procrastination :

1) Know what we should accomplish
2) Determine deadlines
3) Use schedule, planner or calendar
4) Prioritize
5) Break a task into a series of step
6) Do unpleasant task first
7) Change how you think about the task
8) Have fun with the activity

Activity 3 : we have to give scale to the task that was gave by our instructor.

Task description
Work completed with a minimum amount of effort
Activities that benefit the company
Important work
Does not require immediate attention
Socializing or attending meetings
Workers receive immediate gratification
Developing new product information
Should be done as soon as time permits
Expected, customary duties
Require considerable time to complete

Activity 4 : we have to decide which tasks that has a high priority, medium priority, low priority and additional tasks…like below…but I’m have not write it coz all my assignments are high priority.. I guess :D

High priority tasks
Date due

Medium priority tasks
Date due

Low priority tasks
Date due

Additional tasks
Date due


-plan rewards after unpleasant tasks
-do the most unpleasant tasks first
-learn to say NO
-plan for change (involve others and ask for help if needed)
-if you are too busy. Ask…what is essential?
-when you have indecisive or unsure, remember that you can rarely be too percent sure.
-waiting is a waste. Plan for it
-let someone else do when possible (delegate)
-finish leaves you energized and motivated
-do one thing at a time
-watch out for the TYRANNY of the urgent!
-let others make the smaller decisions
-model, ask and observe
-planning for one minute saves four or times in the execution of a task

Ok..bye..thanks :)

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