Tuesday 4 July 2017

Getting Ready to Learn

Week 1 :  Getting Ready to Learn
Wednesday / 7th of June 2017 / Dewan Indera Segara UiTM Pahang Jengka Campus


For week 1,we were told about UED102 and the first topic in this course..This subject is new for this year(2017)...so let me share you the information about this course....

course               study skills
Level                diploma
credit unit            0.0
contact hour          2 hours
Part                 1(interim)

after learn this course, students(we) should able to:
1) Apply knowledge of study skills in academic settings
2) Develop a personal study skills portfolio

Okay..lets know the syllabus content first…

Getting Ready to Learn
-making the transition(from school to university)
-characteristics of successful students
-using learning styles to enhance performances
Goal Setting
-setting goal for the new semester
-writing effective goal statements
-using the learning management system
Library & Campus Resources
-using the resources in the library
-making the most of collage resources
Time management & Organizational Skills
-optimising study time
-organising study time
-using time-management strategies to stay motivated
-reducing procrastination
Memory, Learning & Improving Concentration
-understanding memory processes
-memory strategies
-understanding concentration
-strategies for improving concentration
-reading/study system
Taking Lecture notes
-taking lecture notes
-effective note-taking system
Academic Integrity & Performance
-avoiding plagiarism
-calculating grade point average

 After understanding the syllabus content..then I had learn about the teaching methodology and assessment:

Teaching methodology:
1) Lectures
2) Pair or group discussions

Assessment (100% COURSEWORK)

E-Portfolio           40%
Assignments         60%
Total               100%

1) Assignments (40%) Group Work

-have to document our experience as a university students and work as a team in order to complete the assigned task.
-the duration : Week 2-assignment Week 5-submission
-we have to prepare a creative 10 minutes video presentation that we have to visit five place in campus such as HEP office, library,food center and more.

2) Study Skills e-Portfolio (60%)-optional:e-Portfolio [individual Work]

-can introduce us to the concept of documenting the process in identifying learning strategies that we can use it for every semesters.
-this portfolio also can be use as a reference for other students as they progress in their academics study.

In our e-Portfolio the required item are

1)Learning style inventory
2)Goal statement
3)Notes on library tour
4)Fixed-commitment calendar
5)Job tasks analysis
6) Prioritized To-Do list
7) Memory strategies
8)Organizational strategies
9)Concentration strategies
10)Concentration chart
11)Reading text
12)Note-taking strategies
13)Note-taking exercise using the cornell method
14)GPA worksheet

*the cornell method provides a systematic format for condensing and organizing notes:

After understanding all these things...i feel like...okay..i can do it..InshaAllah...then, we start to learn the first topic,right after the lecture told us all about the UED102 course.so,..in week 1, I had learn about UED102 and the first topic!!!! so excited...

Getting Ready to Learn

first things...I was told about What are different between school and collage academics .
So..I will write all my notes here

-spend less time in class
-spend more time studying outside of class
-have more reading
-have fewer test
-might not be reminded of due dates and exams
-there are fewer daily assignments and they may not be checked
-might live and study in the same place
-classes are bigger
-instructors don't tell exactly what's on the test
-more team or group assignments with meeting outside of class
-attendance may not be required
-can drop a class
-participation affects grades
-fewer reasons for excused absence
-responsible for own learning and behavior
-instructors don't tell exactly what notes to take

Learning Styles and Characteristics Of Successful Students

1) Attend all classes

-One of the best ways to be successful in collage is to attend all classes.
-Although we will be tested on material from the course text,most of the test questions will come from lectures.

2) Become an Active Learner

-Unlike high school,in collage,we can’t learn all of the material just reading over it a couple of times.
-We need to write and recite the information to get into long-term memory.

3) Participate in Class

-If feel a bit uncomfortable participating in class,set a goal to either ask or ask or answer one question during each class.
-Once we begin participating, we’ll feel more a part of the class and will become more actively involved in the learning process.

4) Get to Know Your Lectures

-take a few minutes and stop to talk with our lecturer before or after class or during office hours.
-we can ask question about the material or check on your progress in the course.
-if we get to know our instructors,we may feel more comfortable asking for help when we need it.

5) Form Study Groups with Friends

-Study groups of about 3-4 people are known to bevery effective.
-however,we must include friends who are serious about doing well in their studies,because only they will contribute.

6) Stay up to Date with Your Word

-many collage students have difficulty keeping up with all of the reading that’s assigned in class.
-we may never have time to catch up if we get behind in our reading.

7) Be Receptive to Change

-If strategies that we use in high school aren’t working,we must ask our lecture or tutor for suggestions for different ways to learn.
-even the new strategies not seem like they’ll work,we must be willing to give a chance.
-If we not change the way we take notes,read the texts or prepare for exams, we won’t see changes in our performance.

8) Work Hard This Semester

-forget about doing all assignments in the evening.
-if we’re taking fifteen credits this semester,we’ll need a minimum of thirty hours(two hours outside of class for every hour in class) to do your work.
-if we want high grades,if we work slowly or if we’re taking difficult course,we;ll need more time to do your work well.

I'll continue next time...thank you for visiting my blog :)

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Taking Lecture Notes

Week 7 : Taking Lecture Notes Wednesday / 26 th  of July 2017 / Dewan Kuliah Al-Farabi  UiTM Pahang Jengka Campus So..in this w...