Monday 31 July 2017

Memory Learning & Improving concentration

Week 6 : Memory Learning & Improving concentration
Wednesday / 19th of July 2017 / Al-Biruni 1 UiTM Pahang Jengka Campus

In this week, we must know :
1) Understanding memory process
2) Memory strategies
3) Understanding concentration
4) Strategies for improving concentration
5) Reading / study system (SQ3R)

Who are we?…Know ourself..

-we must know our creator,love our creator and find love from our creator
-as a human, we must be a grateful because human are the most brilliant creature and talkative person
-besides of that, human also like to judge, know the differences of good and bad,know what true and false and more.

-According to Zig Ziglar, if we help people…we can get what we want
-so the meaning is, as a muslim, if we help people, Allah will help us with many of ways and to me, it is so fair. :)

That just `Muqaddimah’ or starter or…so..lets start our topics in this sixth week…. :) instructor tell us to count how many the letter of F in this our heart..not using our mouth..

So…after count it..I just weird why did us have different answer..mine is 6…my friend is 3…my other friend is 8…its kind of weird..after that..the instructor explain it…why it different…

-the ways we study are not same with our friends
-don’t copy our friends ways of study
-it may make our result bad
-our brains are different each others

Learning Pyramid

-we need to understand how information is learned and to understand the needs of using various kind of active learning strategies in :
1) Learning
2) Retaining
3) Using the information (encoding,storage and retrieval adnd hence
4) Indicates how one learns
5) Remembers and forgets

What is memory? What is brain?

Memory : The retention of information over time or the mind stores or remember   information (mental processes/cognition), just like a computer

Brain : It is an organ, like computer hardware

-when we learn and remember, we will encode, store and retrieve the information
-the analogy is just like a computer
Encoding / input
Hard disk,thumb drive
Retrieval / output

Why human’s brain are brilliant than others

-human are the best creature in this world because we have memory
-the size of human’s brain is 3 times bigger than gorilla’s brain
-have memories that we can keep

What is in our brain????????

-can be scan using Magnetic Reasoning Imaging (MRI)
-MRI can measure the activities of the brain and the function of the brain
-in this life, our brain transmits data messages with speeds up to 250km per hour by trillions of cell networks
-in consciousness, our brain can produce 25 watts of electric power which is sufficient to light up a bulb
-files have 1000,000 brain cells, rats have 5,000,000, monkeys have 10,000,000 and human have 100,000,000,000
-it can be said that there is not much different between the human brain
-the right brain’s capacity is 100 times than the left brain. Some people use 3% and the others 97% are stored in the right brain of the unconscious part.

Differences between the right and left brain :

The power of mind : we must setting our mind because what ever we do are focusing on what in our mind.

What is the different of memory and brain????????

The relay???? The Storage (retain information)

 What is actually the meaning of MEMORY?

-the human memory system is divided into three types : memory of sense (SM), memory short term memory (STM) and long term memory (LTM)
-many of us wondering the ways of methods to improve the memory
-but many did not understand or lack of exposure about the nature of memory
-but there’s are some ways : keep our body healthy

Memory can be improved by :

1) Give your brain a workout
2) Don't skip the physical exercise
3) Get your Zs
4) Make time for friends
5) Keep stress in check
6) Have a laugh
7) Eat a brain-boosting diet
8) Identify and treat health problems
9) Take practical steps to support learning and memory

Why are we always be a forgetful person? :

2)Our focus
3)Time factor

Why we always remember others things easily? :

4)Always exercise

Memory strategies


-What strategy do we use to remember the colors of the rainbow??
-if we don’t have a smart phone or pen & paper, what strategy do we have to use to remember our friend’s phone number?


-mnemonic is a memory tricks
-it is a method to remember using the things we love and in our environment
-make it funny
-there are two types of mnemonic : acronyms and rhythms
Examples :
Because I had watch Upin Ipin because of my little siblings…I remember how they told us to remember the colors of the rainbow..Its sound likes Malay

Mari   Jual   Kacang   Hijau   Bersama   Ipin  Upin

Others example that our instructor gave in english :

Michael   Jackson  Kill   His   Brother   In   University

It’s so fun right?? we can create it using our creativity…

Strategies For Improving Concentration

-use motivational and organizational strategies (create interest in the work, develop a positive attitude toward you work, use goal setting strategies, use time-management strategies.)
-create a positive learning environment (find a better location, reduce multitasking, minimize distractions)
-deal with internal distractions (deal with personal problems, deal with competing activities)
-use active learning strategies (as discussed in improving memory)
-match your learning style to the task
-monitor your concentration

Cause of Poor concentration

-lack of attention
-lack of interest
-lack of motivation
-distraction from others
-uncomfortable environment
-physiological matters (illness, tiredness)
-psychological matters (personal problem, worries, anxieties)


-make a survey to get an overview of the chapters that will be read
-tittle, subtopic, introductory chapter, graph, chart, picture or summary of the topic

-build some questions while reading so that our mind is always looking for the answers

 next the last so excited..okay..bye..:D

Friday 28 July 2017

Time Management & Organization Skills

Week 5 : Time Management & Organization Skills
Wednesday / 12th of June 2017 / Dewan KuliahAl-Farabi UiTM Pahang Jengka Campus

In this topic, we should know :
1) Optimising study time
2) Organising study time
3) Using time-management strategies to stay motivated
4) Reducing procrastination


-Time actually is a stubborn illusion

 Definition :
 -Noun - the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in past, present and future.
-Verb - plan, schedule or arrange when (something) happen

 The important of time :
 -it’s was mention in Al-quran in surah al-asr.

Time management

The ability to use one’s time effectively or productively especially at work

5 strategies :

-weekly schedule
-semester calendar
-avoid procrastination
-study planner
-academic vs personal life

Time management tools :

1) Reminder (calendar)                                              2) Reminder (keep)

So, for this topic, we had given some task to do : (to do list)

Activity 1 : some of us have show to the instructor how we write reminder at calendar… it is…a example..........

Activity 2 : just likes activity 1, some of us have to show to the instructor how we write activity in a day..this is example..

What is the procrastination guys?? maybe we familiar in word `berlengah-lengah’ :

-the act of putting off intentionally the doing of something that should be done
-in psychological, procrastination is behavior that allow a person to postpone or delay a certain activity or task
-source of great stress and anxiety for many people

Some tips for overcome the procrastination :

1) Know what we should accomplish
2) Determine deadlines
3) Use schedule, planner or calendar
4) Prioritize
5) Break a task into a series of step
6) Do unpleasant task first
7) Change how you think about the task
8) Have fun with the activity

Activity 3 : we have to give scale to the task that was gave by our instructor.

Task description
Work completed with a minimum amount of effort
Activities that benefit the company
Important work
Does not require immediate attention
Socializing or attending meetings
Workers receive immediate gratification
Developing new product information
Should be done as soon as time permits
Expected, customary duties
Require considerable time to complete

Activity 4 : we have to decide which tasks that has a high priority, medium priority, low priority and additional tasks…like below…but I’m have not write it coz all my assignments are high priority.. I guess :D

High priority tasks
Date due

Medium priority tasks
Date due

Low priority tasks
Date due

Additional tasks
Date due


-plan rewards after unpleasant tasks
-do the most unpleasant tasks first
-learn to say NO
-plan for change (involve others and ask for help if needed)
-if you are too busy. Ask…what is essential?
-when you have indecisive or unsure, remember that you can rarely be too percent sure.
-waiting is a waste. Plan for it
-let someone else do when possible (delegate)
-finish leaves you energized and motivated
-do one thing at a time
-watch out for the TYRANNY of the urgent!
-let others make the smaller decisions
-model, ask and observe
-planning for one minute saves four or times in the execution of a task

Ok..bye..thanks :)

Taking Lecture Notes

Week 7 : Taking Lecture Notes Wednesday / 26 th  of July 2017 / Dewan Kuliah Al-Farabi  UiTM Pahang Jengka Campus this w...